Fluid & Solid Interaction (FSI)

Fluid & Solid Interaction (FSI)

Interaction of fluidic continua with solids and structures (FSI) is one of attractive as well as complicated multi-disciplinary mechanical subjects. This is an inchoate topic in DBM and regarding the current available facilities, just the “transient and very short time period of FSI” is studied. Low and high velocity impact loading on fluid containing structures could generate complex phenomenon which requires intense scientific scrutinizing and researchInteraction of fluidic continua with solids and structures (FSI) is one of attractive as well as complicated multi-disciplinary mechanical subjects. This is an inchoate topic in DBM and regarding the current available facilities, just the “transient and very short time period of FSI” is studied. Low and high velocity impact loading on fluid containing structures could generate complex phenomenon which requires intense scientific scrutinizing and research.

Also, thermo-structural loading on thin-walled structures due to complicated thermo-fluidic phenomenon such as fires has been already conducted. In this field, instability of thin walled tanks subjected to adjacent pool fire has been investigated, numerically.

Last Update At : 15 July 2024